Our ankles are designed to take a lot of stress from standing, walking, and running, to going up and down stairs constantly. That makes our ankles very vulnerable to injuries, the most common of which is the well-known sprained ankle. An ankle sprain is a common injury that occurs when the ankle is twisted or turned in (inverted). It can range from mild to severe, depending on how much damage that has been caused to the ligaments.
Types of Ankle Sprains
There are two types of sprains: 1) Inversion Ankle Sprains and 2) Eversion Ankle Sprains.
The inversion ankle sprain is the most common type of sprain experienced by Singaporean athletes. It occurs when your foot is twisted inward and stretches the outer ligaments.
The eversion ankle sprain occurs when your foot is twisted outwards and the inner ligament is stretched, resulting in pain.
Ankle sprains are also graded into 3 categories: Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3. (I) In Grade 1, there is very slight tear of ligament fibers and swelling in the ankle. (II) In Grade 2, there occurs partial tear of the ligaments with swelling, pain, instability and decrease in range of motion. (III) When there is complete rupture of ligament, it falls under Grade 3 of ankle sprain. The patient can experience significant swelling, pain, instability and an inability by the ankle to bear weight.
Besides pain and lateral ligament injuries, there may be more serious injuries behind sprained ankles. According to a survey conducted by the National University Hospital (NUH) in Singapore, it has been found that 7 in 10 patients surveyed were suffering from injuries such as swollen bones, inner ligament injury, cartilage injuries and bone marrow edema after they sprained their ankle. So, it is important for patients to get proper diagnosis and treatment after any ankle related injury.
Treatment for Ankle Sprain
Since ankle sprains are common in Singapore, people often think that all that is required is rest to let it heal naturally and that they do not need to seek professional help. However, people who do not seek proper treatment for a sprained ankle can experience severe pain, instability and stiffness, which can remain for months or even years after the injury occurred.
A good podiatrist in Singapore can help you effectively rehabilitate your sprained ankle and prevent recurrence. Podiatrists are experts in the assessment and diagnosis of ankle sprains. When you visit a physio clinic in Singapore, you will be asked to go for an X-ray, CT scan or MRI to determine the severity of the injury.
Depending on the extent of the ankle sprain, a podiatrist in Singapore may use a variety of therapies and treatments to help you recover, such as cold therapy, electrotherapy and a dynamic rehabilitation programme.
If you happen to sprain your ankle, then consider visiting a physio clinic in Singapore. Get your ankle examined by an expert podiatrist for undergoing a proper treatment plan depending on your injury level. An experienced podiatrist in Singapore will not only help you alleviate your ankle pain and free movement of the extremity but will also suggest post-injury rehabilitation exercises that can significantly decrease the risk of re-injury.
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