Friday, 23 March 2018

Top Five Key Points to Avoid Sports Injuries and How to Manage Them

Whether you are a part of the national team or you play sports just for fitness, being sidelined because of a sports injury can be your worst nightmare. It forces you to stay away from your game which will hamper your form as well as your fitness.

Singaporeans are fitness enthusiasts and they love to stay fit and healthy. They take every possible measure to ensure their fitness and movability. Experiencing injuries on the game field is normal but taking a few precautions and following some simple rules can help you in enjoying your game and greatly reducing your chances of being injured.

The rate of injuries can easily be reduced by taking the correct preventive actions. Here’s a look at top five rules to avoid a sports injury:

1. Ensure a proper physical form

If you think playing occasionally in a game is enough to keep you in shape, you are mistaken! You need a regular practice throughout the week and sufficient training for any sport. One of the safest ways of avoiding injuries is to practice sport-specific conditioning exercises. In the case that you do suffer an injury while practicing or playing, immediately head towards a physio clinic in Singapore for getting appropriate treatment.

2. Abide by the rules

The rules have been designed in a way to keep you safe. It is important to know these rules and insist on the enforcement made by a neutral party.

3. Appropriate gear and equipment 

If you want to avoid a visit to the physio clinic in Singapore, always wear the proper protective equipment, such as pads, helmets, mouth guards, and gloves. Protective equipment should fit well to keep your hands, eyes, head, hands, and teeth safe.

4. Ample rest

It is important to always have enough rest between training sessions. Getting enough rest and sleep for your muscles to recuperate and recover from each training session is often undervalued by athletes. While it might feel better to train for days consecutively, it is often better for your muscles to be allowed to rest, allowing for more peak training performance each time. This is even more important prior to matches to allow for maximal effort.

5.  Warm-up before game or practice 

A warm-up is essential before the practice or match as warm muscles are less prone to injuries. You should never ignore sharp pains, as the pain could be indicative of an injury. In the case of severe pain or injuries, always consult a podiatrist in Singapore who can study, diagnose, and suggest a medical treatment or surgery for foot or ankle injury.

Explore the web to find more information on top podiatrist in Singapore for sports injury and get to know essential tips that can help in reducing the impact of unfortunate events at playfield. 

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