Sunday, 7 May 2017

Chronic Back Pain: Two Ways a Physiotherapist Can Ease Back Pain

“My back pain is killing me!” If you say something like this daily, then you seriously need help of an experienced physiotherapist. A large number of people in Singapore routinely experience back pain due to bad sitting and sleeping posture, long working hours, intensive physical activities, and other habits. In fact, low back pain is a common problem faced by a majority of athletes. Athletes are at greater risk of sustaining a lower spine injury due to physical activity. So, whether your back pain is chronic or sharp, don’t worry, because it is treatable.

Back pain can impact on your ability to keep moving and enjoy life. If you have back pain, then you’ll know what struggle it can be. So, it’s better to start your physiotherapy treatment early so that you don’t have to go for more aggressive treatments, including back surgery. Common forms of physiotherapy include:
  1. Passive physical therapy: Your sports physiotherapist may focus on decreasing pain with passive physical therapy, such as heat application, ice packs and electrical stimulation. Since these treatments are done to the patient and there is no physical activity involved, this therapy is called passive physical therapy.
  2. Active physical therapy: In addition to passive therapies, active physical therapy is also necessary to rehabilitate the lower back portion. There are stretching and strengthening that can be done to alleviate lower back pain. Learn how to perform these exercises properly from a physical therapist of your physiotherapy clinic in Singapore.

There is substantial evidence available that supports physical therapy is ideal for treating lower back pain. Your sports physiotherapist or a qualified health professional of a physiotherapy clinic in Singapore can design a treatment plan that’s just right for you. They will also check if any underlying health conditions are contributing to your back pain. Active exercise plays an important role in preventing future back problems.

Physiotherapy can make a huge difference to your back pain. If lower back pain is killing you, start your physiotherapy treatment today!

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