Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Expert Tips to Prevent Lower Limb Injuries while Preparing for Your Game

It is true that exercising regularly or playing your favourite sports and help you attain fitness goals with great ease, but sometimes it may turn out to be most deadly nightmare, when you get injured while exercising. Staying injury-free should be the prime goal of active people and sports professionals while making a swift move towards fitness and healthy lifestyle. It is important to consider that no sport or exercise goal can get completed without having proper physical preparation and taking essential precautions that can save you from injuries and getting hurt badly. Read the sections below to understand some essential factors that can help you prevent lower limb injuries with great ease:

1.      Decide Are You Ready for Sport?

Getting your foot or ankle hurt during heavy workout routines and exercises is quite common, thus, it is highly important to ensure that you are really ready for sport of workout, before you actually start getting indulged in any such activity. In other words, any podiatrist Singapore professional will recommend going through a good physical preparation before taking up any physical or sports tasks that involves a lot of strength or effort from your body.

2.      Measure Your Strength and Balance

Strength and balance are the two most common aspects of sports and exercise that you must fulfil to ensure that the muscular system stays fee from any sort of damage, injury, or serious health problem. If anything wrong happens, then immediately take the patient to the nearest podiatry clinic and provide proper care to ensure that the medical case should not get worst due to delay in treatment. It is important to consider that your body is impacted by external forces while playing sport, thus, ensure that you never put too much pressure on your passive tissue structures.

3.      General Aerobic Fitness

No sport or exercise is complete without getting engaged in prolonged running sessions. Since fatigue increases the risk of injury as it promotes extreme lower limb bio mechanics, it is highly important to preventing your body from excessive fatigue while getting engaged in any sort of physical tasks. Never extend hip and knee postures, encourage increased hip rotations, and reduce massive movements and loads on knees to stay fit.